Welcome to the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report for October 11th through the 17th.
The moon is new in the morning hours of Thursday the 14th. Some parts of the world will see a partial solar eclipse with this new moon. The eclipse will be visible from Northeastern Asia, the Pacific Ocean and western parts of Alaska.
The naked eye planets continue to be close to the sun or up in the hours after midnight. Mercury will come back to the evening skies and will reach its highest point in the west in November. Venus is sinking in the morning skies but will still be visible before sunrise for a couple more months.
The constellations of the summer are giving way to the constellations of autumn. Scorpius, a familiar shape in the summer sky now lies along the southwestern horizon at around 8 p.m. this week, while Andromeda, Pegasus, Perseus and Cassiopeia are rising in the east.
For more skywatching tips for the week, check out stardate.org
The telescope at Robert Lee Moore Hall is open to the public on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. RLM is located on the southeast corner of Dean Keeton and Speedway. Take the elevators to the 17th floor and follow the signs to the telescope.
The Painter Hall telescope is open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Painter Hall is located on 24th street about halfway between Speedway and Guadalupe.
All events are free and open to all ages and no reservations are required. Observing events are weather permitting. Please call 232-4265 for weather cancellation information. Note that star party times and availability change throughout the year. Please call this recording before planning a visit to the telescopes.
Thank you for calling the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report.