Welcome to the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report for September 6th through the 11th.
The moon will be at first quarter on Sunday the 11th.
The moon will join Venus and Jupiter in the western skies after sunset on Tuesday the 6th and Wednesday the 7th. On the 6th, the moon will be below the two planets and on the 7th it will be to the left in a line with them. Venus is the brighter planet on the left, with Jupiter a little fainter and lower on the right. The bright star below the pair of planets is Spica in the constellation Virgo.
Mars is rising in the east-northeast at about 10:45 p.m. mid-week and continues to brighten from week to week.
Wednesday night viewing on the Robert Lee Moore Hall telescope will resume at the end of the month, pending the completion of roof construction.
Viewing at the Painter Hall Telescope will resume next week. Please call back next Monday for days and times.
Thank you for calling the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report.