Welcome to the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report for August 19th to the 25th.
The full moon for the month of August is on the 22nd. This full moon is known as the Grain Moon or the Green Corn moon.
Venus is the bright object seen in the western skies after sunset. At magnitude -4.2, it is the brightest object in our sky after the sun and moon. The second planet from the sun sets around 10 p.m. this week.
Uranus is at opposition on Monday the 19th. This means that the 7th planet is directly opposite the sun from the Earth's point of view and will rise at sunset. Uranus currently lies in the constellation Capricornus, very close to the boundary with Aquarius. A telescope should reveal a small greenish-blue disk.
Reports from last week's peak of the Perseid meteor shower seem to indicate the shower produced a typical number of meteors, averaging between 30 and 70 meteors an hour depending on observing location and sky conditions. NASA's spaceweather.com website has a gallery of Perseid photos taken by observers from around the world.
Public viewing on UT telescopes is on break between the summer and fall sessions. Viewing will resume the first week of September. Please call this recording to check days and times before planning a visit to the telescopes.