
skywatchers report

Welcome to the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report for May 3 to the 9th.

The full moon for the month of May is on Tuesday the 4th. This full moon is called the Planting Moon or the Milk Moon. With this full moon, observers in Europe, Africa and parts of Asia will get to see a total lunar eclipse.

On the mornings of the 6th and 7th, Comet Bradfield will be near the Andromeda Galaxy in the east before dawn. You will probably need at least binoculars to see the pair.

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on Wednesday the 5th. Viewing is best in the few hours before dawn. This shower often produces more than 30 meteors an hour.

For more skywatching tips for the week check out stardate.org

The telescope at Robert Lee Moore Hall is open to the public on Wednesday nights starting at 8:00 p.m. RLM is located on the southeast corner of Dean Keeton and Speedway. Take the elevators to the 17th floor and follow the signs to the telescope. This will be the last week of public viewing for the spring semester. Viewing will resume in June.

Viewing at the Painter Hall Telescope is on hiatus until June.

All events are free and open to all ages and no reservations are required. Observing events are weather permitting. Call 232-4265 for up-to-date cancellation information.

Please note that star party times change throughout the year. Please call this recording to check times before planning a visit to the telescopes.

Thank you for calling the University of Texas Skywatchers' Report.